I define "compassion" as understanding of someone's else emotions.
When I was in 8th grade, I experienced compassion from my English teacher, and I could barely imagine that such experience would change my life.
The story began when my teacher assigned a presentation to be done in small groups. I still remember the subject: explaning"simple past" to the class. I was pretty excited about this presentation, because not only did I like the subject, but we also had to do a written manual to describe how "simple past" is grammatically formed.
As I was the most knowledgeable of English grammar in my group, I was assigned (by the group) to be ahead of most of the work. It was Ok with me, because I really liked that assignment. I almost wrote a book of explanations on that subject. After I was done, I just handed that in to the teacher.
On the presentaion day, my group and I stood in front of the class in order to "teach" what we ad learned about "simple past". Basically, I was the only one to talk and explain things. I felt that I was in control of what I was saying.
However, after lecturing for about 10 minutes, my teacher asked "Is that all?". I replied with a "yes". Then, my teacher said (in a good voice so everyone could listen to what she was saying) "Your written work is very interesting and organized; however, your presentation is a piece of sh*t". After I heard that, all I wanted to do was cry. Then, I just sat down, and put my head on the chair.
At the end of the class, I was feeling so miseable that I approached my teacher, and asked her what was wrong. She explained to me what she was expecting me to say in the presentation. After that, I asked her for one more chance, so I could teach things properly (the way that she wanted it to be). And that was what I did.
In the following week, I presented the same content, but with further information. After the presentation, my teacher said that it was way better than the first time. For this reason, I got an A, especially because I showed to her that I could do better if I wanted to.
After 3 years, the same teacher was responsible for offering me an opportunity to come to the US. It was one opportunity in a million. After doing all the tests and everything, I was selected to represent Brazil in the US. I was the best experience ever. It was like a dream had just come true. Because of this opportunity, I was able to apply to american universities. Now I am a college student with full schorlarship.
What about the teacher? Well, now we are good friends. She brags about me a lot where she teaches, and she says that I am the accomplishment of her life. Also, she always motivated me to do my best because, as she ever states "Poverty cannot be on the way of your academic achievements". I am very thankful, and I really believe that compassion has played an essential role in my life.
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