I have had tons of teachers who have made a difference in my life. But I will reserve my time to talk about one exclusively now. His name is Zackyeu, and he was my English teacher for almost 4 years in a private language school.
Zackyeu graduated in a Methodist college, and he became a pastor. Interestingly, English is not his expertise. Zackyeu knows just the basic skills of the language. However, I stuck to his classes for 4 years. Why? He is very enthusuastic about the things he does - especially teaching. He might not have the best language skills (he acknowledges that), but he teaches it in a very exciting way.
Zackyeu actually changed my life when he gave me the first oportunity to teach in one of his classes. He stopped in the middle of the class and asked me to teach for the rest of that class. I felt very awkward and shy. In fact, I turned red. But, after teaching for those 10-20 minutes, I realized that teaching was something I enjoyed. After that experience, I told Zackyeu that I liked teaching. As a consequence, he asked the principals of that private school if I could teach basic English. And that's how I started teaching. I was just 16.
I still keep friendship with Zackyeu. In fact, last summer I taught English at his own language school. He really likes my job, and he always ask me to teach students whenever I go back to Brazil. He says he's willing to make me responsible for his school when I graduate, because he sees in me a second Zackyeu. He is very proud of me, because he saw me grow up as an English learner, and now I am studying where I always wanted to study - in the US.
I can say that Zackyeu was one of the parts of this big engine that made my life work. His smiling face and motivational skills have transformed my file for better, and I could not be more thankful.