segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009


In my opinion, if one wants to be a teacher, one must know that this can be a very joyful and stressful career. I believe that most of teachers-to-be know that already. I just think they do not know that is just TOO much stress.
However, in order to cope with stress, teachers must realize that they too have a life. That is, spending your sleep time to correct tests is not healthy. Teachers must take care of their healthy. I know teachers to be are more than willing to do their best to be the greatest role model, but that might lead them to stress too.
Another way to avoid stress is to priotize things. We won't be able to teach all we want to all students. Therefore, sometime we should be happy when students grasp the basics from your lesson. Teacher him/herself alone can't change a student. There must be collaboration from both sides.
Being aware of our reality and tendencies is another way yo avoid stress. What we teachers to be are learning now in college might not be the reality by the time we graduate because things change fast.
Finally, be sure teaching is what you really want to do as a carrer. Those who go into teaching for they do not have any jobs left to choose tend to quit teaching in few years. Also, teaching has its ups and down. We will never get a 100% in everything we do all the time.

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